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Friday 8 April 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Norse God Baldr

As Odin and Frigg’s son, i was a champion of goodness, innocence and forgiveness and was loved by everybody except Loki who really didn't like me and actually killed me although i was meant to be invulnerable.
I had a dream of my own death and my mother had the same dream so she came up with the idea of going to every single living thing in the Nine Worlds and have them each promise not to harm me, thus making me completely indestructible.
In fact, i was so impervious to injury that at banquets the Gods would amuse themselves by hurling sharp objects at me, not dying horribly was my hilarious party trick but Loki, who hated seeing anybody having fun, managed it.
When everything in all the world was promising not to hurt me, there was an exception. Mistletoe. Yep, mistletoe which was so insignificant and nonthreatening that mum didn’t even bother to ask it so when Loki found out and saw a chance to spoil the Gods fun, he made a spear of sharpened mistletoe and gave it to my blind brother, the god Höd, who threw it at me, killing me.
There was a resurrection clause, the Goddess Hel who ruled over the underworld realm, said that if all living things on Earth mourned me, I could be brought back to life but no, the old hag Thökk, refused to weep, saying i never did anything for her so why should she.
The old hag turned out to have be Loki in disguises and when my parents confronted him, he tried to escape by turning into a salmon but he was not slippery enough to escape and is currently chained in a cavern having snake venom dripped onto his face and bound by the entrails of his sons who the Gods disemboweled for the job.
My funeral was a grand affair, all kinds of beings from throughout the Nine Worlds attended the ceremony, there was gods, giants, elves, dwarves, valkyries and others and together they stood and watched as my body was placed on a mighty ship which was everything i could have wanted so they
set it on fire but it was so big and heavy that they had to get Hyrrokin, a giantess, to push it out to sea.  
There are vague plans for me to come back at some point in the future but until then i am spending my time in Hel and it isn't as bad as it's cracked up to be if you ignore the damp and dark conditions and ignore the howls of terror from people being murdered by serpent venom and dragons sucking the blood from their bodies. Apart from that it's okay really.

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