FOAB Information

Saturday 21 May 2022

Bush Slips Up And Admits To Being War Criminal

 If Vladimir Putin is looking for examples from history of how to reboot his reputation after an illegal invasion of another country, he should look towards America where somehow George W Bush has had his reputation so whitewashed into that of a cuddly grandpa figure that even when he accidentally confessed to being a war criminal, the crowd just laugh and say silly George.
During a speech in Dallas this week, the former President condemned: 'the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq'. A real whoops moment which he quickly brushed over with 'Ukraine. I mean of Ukraine' as laughter filled the room at the thought of an American President admitting to war crimes indeed? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Those of us covering the war at the time didn't find it so funny and i don't remember too many Iraq's chuckling about it either, far too busy burying their dead family and not being shot by invading American troops or buried under their collapsing homes courtesy of a cruise missile for too many guffaws i suppose.
I doubt if many of the innocent people violently tortured by US and UK troops found it particularly funny either and you won't hear much chortling or tittering in the maternity wards when mothers deliver babies with gruesome defects and disabilities from the depleted uranium the Brits and Americans left littering their nation
The ICC never so much as broke a smile when they described war crimes committed by the invading UK and USA troops such as wilful killing, torture, inhuman and cruel treatment and rape but this was done by the West, the former alcoholic good ol' boy so no consequences for him, no sanctions or global vilification, no just a quick rewrite of the war and it's origins so that we can have a chuckle about it later.
There you go then Vlad, give it a couple of decades and slip up whilst give a speech condemning the wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Ukraine by one man and everyone in the room will crack up. It worked for Bush. 

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