FOAB Information

Sunday 8 May 2022

Ireland For The Irish?

Amidst all the fun of seeing the Conservative Party getting their arses handed to them in the local elections, a more serious story was developing in Northern Ireland where Nationalist Sinn Fein gained the most votes raising the specter of a referendum for Northern Irish to leave the UK.
As the Liberal Democrats and DUP have now discovered, throwing your lot in with the right wing side of British politics is not a healthy choice for your long term politics prospects after the party swallowed Boris Johnson's promises that he would not countenance a border in the Irish Sea and backed his Brexit Leave campaign only to be thrown under the bus when he not only countenanced it but gave it his full backing.
The DUP imploded and went through three party's leader's in the space of three weeks and now find themselves behind the Party whose aim is to unite Northern Ireland with the Republic and to anyone of a certain age, is remembered as the political voice of the IRA during the troubles when the paramilitary group was carrying out bombings and shootings.
The Sinn Fein vice-president Michelle O'Neill is now entitled to the first minister role and has stated that it will not call an immediate 'border poll' but will bide it's time and widen support for a referendum by first selling its vision of what a united Ireland would look like to make sure it has enough support before even considering it, knowing that Sinn Fein in the Irish Republic is polling ahead of any other party and any border poll would need to be voted on in both parts of the island.
While the future of the United Kingdom has been focused on Scotland, the future of Great Britain is now at threat which makes Boris Johnson's current headache even worse as despite everything else the history books would show, it would underline his name as the Prime Minister who oversaw the breaking up of the four nations proving that Brexit, as expected, is the awful gift that just keeps giving.

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