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Tuesday 31 May 2022

Sometimes Conspiracy Theory Is Conspiracy Fact

The secret to a good conspiracy theory is that it has just enough of a grain of truth in it that it makes people go 'hmmm...i wonder' but it seems that the conspiracy theories doing the rounds these days are just too far out, 5G spreading Covid and the earth is Flat for example, that they are easily dismissed and nobody but the most gullible will wonder about them.
By and large most conspiracy theories don't get out of the starting blocks so the idea of the US Government spraying San Francisco with disease to replicate a biological weapon attack or deliberately putting poison in alcohol which killed over 10,000 people or even releasing 300,000 mosquito's infected with yellow fever into Georgia to test a new weapon are the rantings of a lunatic...or are they?
You may want to keep filling your bunker with canned goods and keep that tin foil close by because while most conspiracy theories are nonsense, there are a few that actually aren't theories at all but actual history because they actually happened.
The US Government DID spray Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria over San Francisco in 1950 in Operation Sea-Spray to determine how vulnerable the city was to a bio-weapon attack and this was duplicated by the UK Government but they went one better and mixed phenol and anthrax to their dosage when they sprayed it across south Dorset in 1971.
While the people of San Francisco were receiving treatment for urinary tract infections, South Georgians were fighting off the 300,000 mosquitoes infected with yellow fever which their Government, in Operation Big Buzz, had kindly dropped on them to test using the insects as weapon as war.
In 1920's America, the Prohibition laws were in full swing and the Government really wanted to dissuade people from drinking alcohol so they thought if some people got really, really sick the rest would stay well clear although they possibly got the mix wrong because at least 10,000 people did stop drinking permanently as well not breathing or actually living, killed by their own Government.    
At least the 6,000 babies they used to perform atomic tests on in the 1950's and 60's were already dead and snatched from hospitals without parental consent although the 300 men, women and children in a black area of Oklahoma were not until after the US Airforce dropped incendiary bombs on them in the 1920's when they rioted over a black man being accused of rape.
At least in the Gulf of Tonkin attack they left their own people alone and faked an attack on their own warships by the North Vietnamese to give them the cover to go to war with the Communists so next time that person in the pub mentions chem-trails or Bill Gates injecting us all with Covid so he can take over the world, it may be easy to laugh at them and congratulate ourselves for being smarter than they are, but sometimes the stupidest conspiracy theories might actually have more than a grain of truth in them.
The overwhelming majority don't of course, but occasionally...

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