FOAB Information

Monday 23 May 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Greek God Prometheus

Other, lesser religions have their own spin on how we got here, but despite what they say there was only one visionary creator of mankind and that was me with a bit of help from my pal Athena.
I was making man out of clay a long time before the Christians decided they needed a similar story, threw in a talking snake and some apples and put it in their newly written book but they missed out the bit where the creator gave the humans fire and was chained to a rock with an eagle tearing at his liver which grew back everyday.
I was constantly pursuing my own private projects, attempting to stamp my genius upon the Universe and finally coming up with the controversial but strangely popular homo-sapiens which were made in the likeness of the gods and Athena breathed life into them.
As protector of mankind i was always keen to do the best for them but Zeus disliked the creatures, but he couldn't uncreate them. He did, however, confine them to the Earth and denied them immortality. I felt sorry for the humans, so i stole a spark of fire from Hephaestus's kiln and gave it to them and taught them various arts and skills which was much appreciated by the poor huddled mortals as life was extremely tough down there on the hard cold Earth.
Zeus’s said only the God's can have fire and dished out the punishment which ends with an Eagle wiping liver off its beak every day.
The punishment was supposed to last for all eternity but after a thousand years Zeus got fed up with the other Gods harassing him over it so Zeus offered me my freedom if i could reveal a secret. Now i knew that he had the hots for the sea-nymph Thetis so i told him she would have a child that would become greater than his father so he arranged for her to marry a mortal so that her son would not pose a challenge to him.
For this information he sent Hercules to shoot the damned eagle that tormented me and break the chains that bound me so next time someone is trying to tell you how you humans got there, remember me enduring the endless torture of having an eagle tear out my innards every single day meaning i i died multiple times for a thousand years not for your sins but for your fire, and fire is much more useful than sins.

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