FOAB Information

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Special Guest Blogger: St. Abraham Kidunaia

As a young man i had everything i could ever want, a wealthy family and an excellent education and a beautiful girlfriend but what i didn't have was any damned peace and quiet and so i said to my girlfriend look, you're a lovely girl and all that but i want to go live in a cave, stay a virgin and dedicate my life to God.
My bride accepted it a little too easily but i took my things and found a nearby building and blocked up the doors and windows, leaving just a small hole for food to be passed to me by my family.
Ten years later my peace was shattered by some neighbours who informed me that my parents were both dead and i had inherited immense wealth and their estates but i patiently explained that i lived in a bricked up building so what good was that to me and told them to give it all away.
Not long after there was another rude interruption to my peace when a bishop from the local diocese came for my help with some hoodlums in the area causing trouble so i reluctantly went and told them to stop being such sods and then prayed that God would send the village a decent pastor and returned to my solitude.
Finally some decent me time i thought but oh no, my niece had gotten herself into some trouble so off i went again and tried to convince her of the the error of her ways and convert her to change her life but she wouldn't so i dragged her home and built a cell near my own but far enough to not hear her wailing about being locked in a bricked up building and returned to my own.
So i said right, i don't care who dies, which relative is in trouble or if the town gets overrun by demons, don't disturb me and you know what, they never did and the next time i left my home was to go to my own funeral.

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