FOAB Information

Friday 6 May 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Voodoo God Baron Samedi

When you think of a God's clothes you are probably thinking boring smock but just because you are a god doesn't mean you can't be stylish and sophisticated so that's why i wear sunglasses, a glossy top hat, black tailcoat with a tuxedo with natty matching cane and cotton nasal plugs.
A reanimated skeleton, my pastimes include drinking, smoking, swearing, and chasing women and general obscenity, chaos, debauchery, intoxication.
Y'know, those general areas but you wouldn't expect much else from a Voodoo god of the dead although Bondye is the real big cheese, us Loa (Gods) answer to him serving as intermediaries between man and Bondye because Bondye doesn't meddle around in the affairs of mortals, humans cooties and all that.
I lead the Guede family, a group of Loa's with strong links to magic and death and my job is to greet the dead when they die before leading them to the underworld and ensure their corpses rot in the ground to prevent them from returning as zombies so i generally tend to hang out in cemeteries because nobody wants hordes of stupid, brainless and unintelligent morons clogging up the place, they have their own place, the House of Lords in London.
When i am not busy with the dead i drink heavilly, smoke cigars and chase women and to be fair i do that when i am busy also but i'm also a curer of disease and protector from death as it is down to me if a person is allowed to cross into the afterlife as when someone dies, i dig their grave and meet their soul as it rises from the grave before guiding them into the underworld if i choose, i may decide they are not ready to die and refuse to dig their grave so they are safe.
I am also a curer of all any mortal diseases but that depends on whether the person is worthy and if they can give me a sweet deal, could be a drink, could be food or could be a ceremony that allows me to cross over into this world and the loan of their eldest daughter for an hour, really depends on my mood that day.
My wife is Maman Brigitte and we make a good team, she is as foul mouthed and often as drunk as me but her role is to watch over women and protect the dead, gravestones, tombs and cemeteries but she drinks rum infused with hot peppers so she is literally foul mouthed.
Now i'm not one to try and poach religious folk from other religions but from what i can see, things are not going so well over there on the mortal plane so sacrifice a goat and give me a shout, what is the worst that could happen?

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