FOAB Information

Wednesday 4 May 2022

The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum In America

On the news last night they were discussing America's forthcoming law change on abortion and there was a presenter talking to the crowd at a protest march and she was desperately trying to find someone who supported it and sure enough, standing watching was a man and a woman holding a placard which said 'Abortion is Murder' so she headed towards them and asked them their thoughts on the changes which appear to be coming to America.
Within 10 seconds it showed exactly what is wrong with America in 2022, she was a religious nutter and he was holding a huge gun and i thought yep, America is truly the asylum being run by the lunatics.
She ran through the whole repertoire of Gods rules which women who had undertaken an abortion had broken which ranged from pregnancy is a gift from God to the sinful nature of these women who will fry in hell while while her husband/brother or possibly both stood silently beside her holding his heavy duty weapon and looking around just in case some crazy ant-abortion sinner came rushing towards them.  
A few thoughts crossed my mind listening to her, firstly how it is always the woman who gets the blame for an unplanned pregnancy because as far as i am aware, every person that has ever been born included the involvement of a man somewhere along the line but men seem to get a free pass over it.
Secondly, why would you bring a massive gun to a protest? I know it's America and bat-shit crazy gun laws are a thing over there but over 40,000 people die each year from gun related deaths so if you are that concerned about protecting life, sort that madness out first and thirdly do they think that introducing a law that bans abortion in half the country will result in less abortions?
Don't they realise, or care, that if access to a safe abortion is taken away from women, inevitably women will seek illegal abortions which could put their lives at risk?  
My view has always been that it is far too important and life changing decision for someone else to decide, if you don't believe in it, then fair enough, don't do it, but don't limit other women and restrict their rights to their own bodies.
It should only be the decision of the people directly involved with the help of professional advice and then be left to make their own decisions and access to all the options but mostly it is far too important a decision to have someone else remotely force the choice on them.
Many people are saying that the country has lurched too far to the right, i say not only to the right but also backwards and has been for a while now and it will soon be in the same place as the Middle Eastern  theocracies where religion is the thing that holds sway over politics and rights. 

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