FOAB Information

Sunday 15 May 2022

Yet More Thoughts And Prayers

It turns out that guns do kill people, and the best way to kill lots of people in the shortest space of time is to use a rapid fire assault rifle so after the mass shooting in New York, time to pull out the Gun Massacre Template as there are so many gun massacres in the USA it is hard to keep finding ways to express the shock and horror that in a country awash with guns and whack-a-doodle gun laws, the occasional loony tune goes on a rampage and shoots lots of people so to save time i designed a template to copy and paste each time.

America, we are shocked and stunned that there has been yet another mass shooting, this time in [New York] where a mad [man] with access to high powered weapons brutally gunned down [10] and wounded [4].
Gun owners will say that this isn't the time to talk about gun control so close to [10] being killed in [New York] but i am pretty sure that this time your Government will finally pay attention and look into gun control and your utterly bat shit crazy gun laws.  
Failing this, i am sure that the gun-nuts will be out in force putting forward the argument that what is needed is more of the weapons that were used to massacre [10] people as they went about their business in [a supermarket] but that is the argument of [morons] whom put their right to bear arms above the right to not be violently blown away in a [supermarket], the [insert name for male genitals].  
As always, thoughts and prayers have been offered by the President [Joe Biden] which will not do anything to ease the pain of the [14] sets of relatives but it is better than doing nothing, which is exactly what they will do.

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