FOAB Information

Saturday 18 June 2022

Assange Treated Harsher Than Murderer's He Exposed

The UK government has approved the extradition of Assange to the US, where he faces espionage charges and we all know if he does end up on the other side of the Atlantic how that will end, we only have to look at where Chelsea Manning found herself to see how America treats whistleblowers.
The espionage charges are a bit confusing as Assange was not a spy handing information to another nation in 2010, he exposed the US Government for what it was during the Iraq and Afghan Wars.
We learnt from him about the torture manuals for Guantanamo Bay and the extraordinary rendition campaign but most shocking was the footage of US forces shooting and killing civilians on the streets of Baghdad from an Apache attack helicopter and evidence that U.S. troops executed Iraqi civilians, including a woman in her 70s and a 5-month-old infant, then called in an air strike to destroy the evidence in the Iraqi town of Ishaqi.
All what Assange exposed was initially strongly denied by the American military until it was uncovered and the following investigation into the chopper incident resulted in one soldier being exonerated and the other being suspended without pay for a month.
That the person who revealed all this barbarianism is going to be treated harsher than the murderers who perpetrated it says much about the woeful state of where we are today where exposing the criminal war actions of the military is the greater crime.
Assange should be hailed as a hero and the chopper pilots and the animals who shot a 5 month old Iraqi baby in the head while he slept in his cot the ones rotting in a prison cell.

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