FOAB Information

Thursday 23 June 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Charles Atlas

I was born Angelo Siciliano in Italy but my story begins on a beach in America where i was sat with my girlfriend trying to impress her with my knowledge of the periodic table and English grammar.
Knowing how to use a subordinate clause (to complements a sentence's main clause) wasn't much use when a tough guy came over, called me a weakling and kicked sand into my face.
I could see my girlfriend looking at the scrawny pathetic 98 pound guy clearing sand out of his eyes and decided i need to do something so i wasn't forever avoiding sandy beaches but i couldn't afford the gym prices so i stood at the door and watched what they did and tried to copy them at home but i wasn't bulking out like i hoped.
I was at the zoo watching a lion one day when i noticed that this animal was a mass of rippling muscle but thought he hasn't got barbells or dumbbells, it's impressive physique is down to pitting one muscle against another and developed my own system of exercises that didn't need expensive equipment and it worked and soon i was entering strongman contests and getting noticed.  
It was after a contest in Madison Square Garden that i was approached by the Coney Island Circus to replace their strongman and soon people were coming to me for advice on how they can get a physique like mine.
I met Dr. Frederick Tilney, a British homeopathic physician and course writer and together we designed the 'Dynamic Tension' fitness course and i changed my name to something more American sounding and so launched the Charles Atlas Body Building Programme, twelve lessons supplemented with photo's of me demonstrating the exercises.
We advertised in comics and magazines with lots of pictures of me in my skimpy workout trunks and once it was used by people like heavyweight boxing champions such as Max Baer, Rocky Marciano and Joe Louis, everyone wanted to do it and we became famous all around the World.
I carried on building my body throughout my life and up until i was 80 when i got chest pains after one workout and keeled over from a heart attack so maybe i should i have quit earlier but if you are the type to get sand kicked in their face then buff up, put on a pair of too tight budgie smugglers and flex. Now, you're a real man!

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