FOAB Information

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Mesopotamian God Pazuzu

You could probably name the Mesopotamian Gods on the finger of one hand but though my name may not be familiar, you do you know me, i'm considered a bit of a celebrity in the Deity world after starring in a blockbuster movie and as the 5th member of a pretty well known band.
My origins are a bit less auspicious, i was created as a counter to Lamashtu who was the most terrible of all the female demons. She preyed on women during childbirth, kidnapped their newborns while they were breastfeeding, and then slew the babies to eat their flesh.
As vile as eating children was, she also handed out the nightmares and caused pregnant women to miscarry, and brought disease and sickness.
My father, Hanpu the Pervert, (don't ask) created me to protect expectant mothers but rather than give me special powers or something cool, my gift was to be so hideously ugly that i would scare away her and any other demons that were hanging about.
I had a scaly body, birds talons for feet, wings and a scorpion's tail but it's the face which is where the money is, gazelle horns, human ears, a dogs muzzle and bulging eyes.
I was also responsible for the west wind so i was often kept busy so the soon to be mothers were told to hang an amulet with my face on it around their neck and when Lamashtu saw it, she knew this one was under my protection and leave her alone.
So successful was my fugly face that people began hanging the amulets in their homes to repel other demons and keep their homes safe so i was actually a decent type of God, sure i sometimes got carried away with the wind bit of my job and blew away villages but they were only there because i kept away
the real bad guys so cut me some slack for that.
I was pretty famous in my day but my big break was when i was asked to appear in the Exorcist, that woman with the swiveling head and shooting pea green vomit everywhere, that's me possessing her but being a God i didn't take any wages so everyone else got a much, much bigger cut of the film's profits, pretty much all of which must have been spent on therapy.
Then the Gorillaz decided what their band needed was for an ancient, really ugly wind demon to appear in their video's. Yep, that's me on Russel Hobbs drum kit so if you was imagining Stephen Tyler's face with Martin Feldman's eyes, you wouldn't be far off.

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