FOAB Information

Thursday 23 June 2022

Thank You For Travelling With Us

The transport secretary is deciding whether he can change the law to get agency workers deputise for striking rail workers in yet another ill thought out idea from the desk of Boris Johnson.
The RMT head pointed out that agency workers won't have the training or skills of the people they are replacing so being the helpful person that i am, i have written a note which they can pin to the front of stations.

'Thank you for travelling with South West Trains. This is the first time the driver has ever driven the Brighton to Cardiff route and no one else on the train or in the control centre has a clue what they are doing either so please bear with us and we’ll do our best to get you somewhere close to your destination without losing too many of you through accidents on the way. Thank you for your patience and travelling on South West Trains today'.

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