FOAB Information

Friday 1 July 2022

God 'N' Guns

 After the Supreme Court passed their Abortion ruling the other week, the question being asked is could such a ruling be made here and the simple answer is no it couldn't and for one very sound reason, we do not have a religious cult here.
I have long pointed out that the difference between America and here is God 'N' Guns, two things which very much hold sway over there but have no traction whatsoever in the UK.
A few years ago, after yet another awful mass shooting, the two came together in a brilliant moment of American madness when i heard some dungaree clad rednecks mention that any restriction in gun laws would deny people like him his 'God-given rights to carry handguns or assault weapons in public' and after some digging discovered that far from being a chapter in the Bible that only Americans seem to have, it stems from the American Constitution which gives the 'right to self-defence' which is a natural right which is bestowed upon everyone by God, therefore the right can be said to be God Given as they have chosen automatic weapons to defend themselves.
Just one example of religion making the loopy even loopier but even worse for American schoolchildren, it is making the loopy even more loopier and arming them with powerful assault weapons so that is the Gun part, what about the God bit?
Now i have no view on abortion, it is up to the people involved under the guidance of a professional armed with all the facts and options but from what i have seen and heard around the Supreme Court decision, it came down to abortion being 'against God'.
Removing the ability to have a safe abortion doesn't magically reduce the amounts of pregnancies but it will increase the number of maternal deaths and unwanted children who will find out the hard way that, due to the lackluster response to gun crime, once out of the womb many of their countrymen will lose interest in protecting them if they have to go to school facing the risk of being shot or injured, the perfect storm of God 'N' guns coming together.
We moan about much which is wrong in this country but we should be thankful that the Guns 'N' God crowd are over there making awful laws and not here which is why, as long as it stays that way, it won't ever be an issue here.

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