FOAB Information

Wednesday 20 July 2022

It's PM Truss (Or Sunak But Probably Not Sunak)

When the list of potential Prime Minister Candidates was announced, i made a joke that i hoped that the Conservatives would pick the worst person which would make it easier for the Labour Party to unceremoniously boot them out of office in 2024 but never in my wildest dreams did i expect they would make it this easy with the only candidate who stood a chance, Penny Mourdant, out of the race Keir Starmer must be in danger of doing a hamstring from all the cartwheels he must been doing.
The line of Conservative succession will now go - Cameron, May, Johnson, Sunak or Truss because the Conservative Party have gone even more bonkers than usual and offered up a choice between the man who was Chancellor and is directly to blame for the cost of living crisis, highest taxation this side of WW2, inflation at 9% and the spiraling national debt and a woman who isn’t the sharpest mind around and even got lost on the way to the podium at her own launch party and then got lost trying to exit it again.
Truss's first tweet after hearing she was in the last two was: 'Thank you for putting your trust in me. I’m ready to hit the ground from day one' which i'm sure she will, head first into the tarmac which when you think of it is a fair metaphor for what would happen to the country if they put her in charge, which they will.
The 200,000 Brexit loving, pale and stale old boys and girls of the Conservative Party Membership won't care that Sunak is a non dom, green card dodgy multi-millionaire who received a Police fine for breaking Covid laws, they won't pick him because they blame Sunak for wielding the knife against their Golden Boy, Boris Johnson, and Truss is seen as a continuity candidate, carrying on the sterling work down by her partying predecessor.
We have already had a taste of what's to come, the terrifying blank look on her face when questioned, reminiscent of the circle on a computer screen while the page is struggling to load as she searches her brain for an answer and spluttering into some resemblance of life as you consider whether to reach for the Ctrl, Alt, Delete buttons.
All the polls are suggesting that if a general Election was run today, the Labour Party would not only overturn the 80 seat majority but end up with a working majority themselves but Truss (or Sunak) will have two years to work their magic which is not so good for the country of course, she will be a total disaster as Prime Minister but we have already had 12 years of Conservative Party failures so surely we can wait 2 more and anyway Truss will be so comically bad at the job that if we are all going down, we can go down laughing.

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