FOAB Information

Tuesday 26 July 2022

So This Is the Brexit Sunny Uplands?

As a person who always had a lie ready on his lips, whether it be to his family, fellow MP's or the public, Boris Johnson's insistence that he got the big calls right while he was Prime Minister should be taken with not a small pinch of salt but a whole mine of the stuff but he is following the tactic of another unsuccessful right wing politician who said that if you repeat a lie over and over, enough people will believe you.
The Covid-19 success call is easily dispelled by a look towards the top of the grim Covid-19 league table with 200,000 deaths on his watch, something obviously didn't go right in Britain but the more far-reaching lie is how he Got Brexit Done.
When you have to break the law to get out of the agreement you made with the EU regarding Northern Ireland, it isn't strong proof that Brexit is 'Done' but if you need any further evidence, and a drop of 4% of GDP and a lack of the much promised trade deals isn't enough, the six mile tailback to Dover might persuade you.
When he said that we had taken back control of our borders maybe he meant it gave us the ability to stack
thousands of immobile lorries and cars along the M20 as the French border Control Officers at Dover undertake the many more checks required when Britain left the EU.
Obviously the Government blamed the French who retaliated by saying they never voted for Brexit and if each check takes 20 mins when previously it only took 5, well those extra 15 mins multiplied by tens of do the maths.
Still not convinced that Brexit isn't done? I offer up the chronic labour shortages and while a lack of lorry drivers, fruit-pickers and abattoir butchers is well known, just today Health Officials said that there are 60,000 vacant roles in health and social care which they put down to plummeting numbers of EU workers in Britain.
The Johnson solution that if Britain lost its EU labour supply, these sectors would simply pay British workers more never happened, but what did was exceptions were granted for EU workers to return to the UK to do these jobs and as they were forced out originally, they are not so keen to come back to the green and pleasant land which a frenzied 52% was only too happy to wave them goodbye from.
I am almost certain that at some point in the future we will be forced by pure economics into negotiating to either return to the EU in some form, could be full membership or some sort of halfway agreement, but if you were one of the gullible who believed Johnson when he said that the sunny uplands of Brexit were awaiting us then shame on him, if you still believe it now as the nations falls apart around our ears then shame on you.

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