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Sunday 24 July 2022

Stupidity Is Not Funny

Every life is precious and you will never find me making fun about anyone's death, nope that is a red line i refuse to cross and even when the death is so ridiculous then i still refuse to partake in any mockery...but that said, sometimes the death is so spectacularly stupid it would be remiss not to have a bit of a chuckle such as the preacher George Went Hensley who opened a snake handling ministry to show that God would protect his believers and even when a diamondback rattlesnake sank its fangs into his wrist he refused medical treatment, telling his congregation that his faith would save him which obviously it never and he dropped dead soon after.
To most people handling venomous snakes deliberately is like pointing a loaded gun at your own head which Florida youth pastor Melvyn Nurse did in a demonstration to his congregation that you're playing Russian roulette with God every time you sin and lifted the gun to his head, realised that he hadn't checked the chamber was empty when the far side wall of the Church was painted a nice shade of brain grey.
Another US Pastor (i notice a theme here) defied social-distancing rules to host large congregations and said that: 'God is larger than this dreaded virus', died after contracting Coronavirus and five members of Pastor Light Monkeyi's congregation in South Africa died drinking rat poison after being told that death had no power over them as long as they believed in God but found out that in the real, sane World rat poison held all the power.
It does seem that being a Pastor and proving the power of God can be like stepping into the Lions Den which is exactly what one Pastor did in Nigeria who told his congregation to meet him at the Lion enclosure at the local Zoo so he could replicate the Biblical story of Daniel.
Tucking a Bible under his arm, he said a prayer for God to protect him as he did Daniel, stepped into the enclosure and lunchtime came early for a group of grateful Lions.
I guess what this shows is that you may believe that God bestowed many gifts upon us, but for some the main was sheer stupidity.

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