FOAB Information

Friday 19 August 2022

Brits Working Out That Privatisation Doesn't Work

Privatisation is grounded in the belief that market competition in the private sector is a more efficient way to provide services provided by the Government and allows for a better deal for us has been one of the great pups sold to the public because to be frank, it blatantly just doesn't work as we are finding out now.
In practice it increase costs, lowers the quality of services and leads to rising unemployment because simple logic tells us it's impossible for the private sector to deliver the same service for less and make a profit and making a profit for their investors is the only reason they are there and they only way to increase profit is to reduce the money they pay out (wages) or increase the money they bring in
(prices), both of which comes at a huge cost, financial and personal, to the public.
Between 1979 and 1997, Margaret Thatcher John Major sold over 50 publicly owned utilities and nobody can argue that the rail, utility, mail or water industries have been more efficient, lowered costs or saved jobs as what actually happened was large scale redundancies, prices sky-rocketed and the companies are now largely in the hands of international investors who pay themselves billions in dividends.
As many face utility bills topping £5000, water shortages and affordable rail travel, opinion polls are showing that we have woken up to Privatisation and want to return major utilities to the public sector with 69% wanting water back in public ownership, 67% for rail, 66% for energy companies and 55% for Royal Mail and bus companies.
The reports of as much as 20% of our water leaking from the Water Company pipes has been in the headlines as has the massive salaries and profits these companies are making while doing very little to improve infrastructure, since becoming private the Water companies have spent £123bn on maintenance and while taking out £57bn in dividends.
The Capitalists who now run the UK's public utilities do not seem to be serving the public very well, taking the customers left, right and centre, as the water, gas and electric suppliers know that whatever they put their prices to, we HAVE to have them.
They have us over a barrel and we know that and a few old people dying due to the choices between heating or eating isn't going to stop them putting profits first.
Something has to change because the right wing dream of Privatisation has failed us badly and nationalisation is now, quite rightly, striking a chord with the country.

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