FOAB Information

Sunday 21 August 2022

Not A fan Of Oversharing

I was sat on my usual train on the way home on Friday when a lady of around about my age sat opposite me, i smiled at her, moved my bags to give her a bit more leg room and returned to gazing out of the window as the British countryside flashed past.   
Her mentioning how busy the train was resulted in a very one sided conversation and 20 minutes later when she got off, i knew her name, where she had been, who she had been with, why she had gone there and where she was going now as well as details of her divorce, some of her medical history, where she worked and the names of her two children.
All i offered up as way of personal information was that i avoided the Latte at the Station as it never quite tasted the same but oversharing  does seem to be a new, and very unwelcome, recent development.
I agree that being 'buttoned up and reserved' and not talking about our achievements, thoughts and feelings is a very British trait and i whole-heartedly buy into it and i thought most Brits did but more and more i am noticing a characteristic sneaking into the British psyche where we are open and willing to talk about our achievements which are bordering on boastful.
Where once if you asked a Brit a question about their job or education, you would get a jokey, self deprecating answer but now you are just as likely to get the full CV, salary and pension details and a list of qualifications or even worse get it without asking, just sort of dropped into a conversation.
Another thing i have noticed is the question being asked to you just so you ask them in return, and then they can unleash the full might of their achievements, so i deliberately don't ask and change the subject so they can't drop it in.
'So where do you work Lucy?'
'My colleagues would probably say what i do couldn't be called work but to be fair i did nick off a lot to go watch the Commonwealth Games, did you see them? That mechanical Bull was amazing and Birmingham looked great...'
and so on.
Maybe it's me, i do reach for the 'pfft...listen to this Billy Big Bollocks' and tune out when someone starts to tell me something which is in danger of wandering into boastful territory and the irony is that my job involves asking questions and taking notes of what is said and then filtering out the bits i find superfluous which all means that i would be my own worst nightmare to interview because i would finish with only the words 'She doesn't like Train Station Coffee' written down on my pad.

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