FOAB Information

Friday 12 August 2022

Taking The Piss By Drinking Your Own Urine

I live actually overlooking the beach, i look out of my window and see a huge and expansive body of Water stretching out in-front and to either side of me as far as i can see which is a reminder that Great Britain is an island and just like that famous line, ‘Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink’, water is literally all around us but is often not safe enough to consume.
Sea water can be made drinkable by a process of desalination which removes the minerals from it but it is a very expensive and time consuming measure so nobody really bothers with it but as the UK's heatwave continues and water companies introduce drought measures, it may be that we are forced into doing things we wouldn't dream of as the reservoirs run dry.
There is one method which could potentially quench your thirst which is practised by Astronauts and some athletes although i think i'm not sure just how thirsty you would need to be before you even contemplated drinking your own urine.
As usual when anything urine related is up for discussion, i turned to the Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Unit in Cambridge and asked them if drinking a cup of Pee was a healthy alternative to tap water and hastily added that i was asking for a friend.  
'If 'your friend' doesn't have any urinary infections' the lady said, 'then urine is generally free of harmful bacteria and is actually a very good sterliser for a wound but as for drinking it...hmmm'.
She explained that urine is what the body has expelled and is 95% water and 5% excess minerals such as sodium, potassium and chloride so the first time you put it back in your body it may be worthwhile but the next time the urine is more concentrated and it would take more water to get rid of the minerals than you have water in the urine, dehydrating you further.
'So once is fine but more than that is a no-no then?' i ventured to which she tentativly agreed saying only if you absolutely had no choice and nothing else except your own wee to drink, then the first and last parts of the stream are where the most impurities are so introduce your container midstream and a tip is to hold your nose as you drink it because it will still taste and smell like urine.
All very useful information which may become more relevant the longer the drought continues but remember the experts say only drink it as a very last resort and if you have nothing else to drink, or you are a regular drinker of Aussie lager because you will be used to drinking stuff that tastes like piss anyway.

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