FOAB Information

Wednesday 3 August 2022

That Truss Lady Is For Turning

Whisper it quietly but Labour supporters are telling me that they are concerned that despite them being 11 points ahead in the polls against the Conservatives, any new Leader for the Tories will gain a new leader 'bounce' and they may call a snap election to cash in on the rise in support and deny Labour the majority to rule.
There will be a bounce, there always is, but how big it will be in the world outside of the Conservative Party members is up for debate as both Rishi Sunak as Chancellor and Liz Truss as Foreign Secretary are widely seen as irretrievably linked to Boris Johnson who's star dropped so far that he skipped going to the Women's European Cup Final for fear that he would be deafened by the crescendo of boo's aimed his way.
With every poll heavilly suggesting that it is going to be Prime Minister Truss in September, yesterday we had a taste of why the Tories voting in Truss as the third British female Prime Minister should be welcomed by Labour supporters because she may not want to be known as the continuity candidate but she has continued the policy of making major announcements only to U-Turn on them once it is pointed out that the policy is painfully flawed.
Monday evening she announced that one of the first things she would do once elected is pay government employees less in parts of the country where the cost of living is cheaper and save the Government £8.8bn.  
Obviously she went to bed that night feeling very chipper with herself but by breakfast, less than 12 hours later and after someone had obviously whispered into her ear that her policy would mean cutting the wages of Teachers, Nurses and Police and the public wouldn't accept that, she was on TV announcing that: 'Our hard-working front-line staff are the bedrock of society and there will be no proposal taken forward on regional pay boards for civil servants or public sector workers' and blamed journalists for 'wilful misrepresentation' of the policy, aka as reporting on the details in her own press release.
You know what fellow Labour supporters, i think with Liz Truss running the show and making policy, i think we will be alright and by alright i mean Keir Starmer should not stop looking at the carpet samples and wallpaper catalogues for number 10 because the only bounce she is likely to see is her suitcase going into the back of a taxi leaving Downing Street in a few short months.

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