FOAB Information

Saturday 27 August 2022

You Don't Say

As President Donald Trump entered the final year of his term in January 2020, the U.S. recorded its first confirmed case of COVID-19 and on his last day America stood not so proudly at the top of the Covid Death League table with 400,000 deaths.
You would assume that as the death toll began to climb one of his aides or close personal friends would have taken him to one side and whispered into his ear: 'You know what Don, i think you should leave this to your Medical Professionals as your skillset lies elsewhere' but instead he suggested ingesting bleach and tried to blame China for his awful and lacklustre response to his own people dying.
He called it the 'China-Virus', witheld funding to the World Health Organisation and began talking about it escaping from a laboratory in Wuhan and when he looked around the other nations for support, they all said 'You're on your own with that one Big Guy' and went with the scientific evidence that it was a disease which had crossed over into humans from Bats.  
The Orange faced loon kept it up until a proper grown up took over and in some parts of America, the sort of people who are unlikely to ever trouble any Brains Trust meetings agreed that it was a Chinese ploy while the actual people who DO trouble the Brans Trusts Meetings conducted tests and analysis and have announced that after exhaustive research, the Covid-19 Virus started life at the Wuhan seafood wholesale market.
The lead Scientist, Angela Rasmussen, said that all their detective work for the origins led to back to the live food food market everytime meaning: 'Putting all this evidence together, there’s really no explanation other than that the virus started spreading in the human population at that market'.
As for the Lab theory, she poo-pooed that as well saying if the virus had escaped from a lab, somebody would have had to get infected in the lab, go to the market and infect people there without having infected anyone along the way which was not possible, as the first cases were in the market.
There you go then, one of the biggest questions in recent times now has an answer which is the answer the experts said all along, who'd have thought them and not the man who believed that global warming was created by the Chinese to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.

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