FOAB Information

Monday 19 September 2022

Avoiding The TV Today

Pretty much the whole World is coming to say farewell to the Queen today with Royals from all over the World wedging themselves side by side into Westminster Abbey but as it can only hold 2,000, it's a single representative from each country and their partner only so they have managed to leave a few off the guest list including Donald Trump who it was mooted could turn up but it was decided that he is such a wide load these days that he would take up the space of 3 people so his invite never made it off the desk.
All of Europe's Royals and Leaders will be there while representing the USA will be President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden along with representatives from other nations who are in British Commonwealth and those that don't have a monarchy including China who are sending their Vice President, rumours are that President Xi Jinping was worried that if he showed his face in London, he would be mistaken for Paddington Bear and he doesn't even like Marmalade sandwiches.
Representatives from Iran, North Korea and Nicaragua will also attend but on the not invited list are Russia, Belarus, Myanmar, Syria, Venezuela and Afghanistan while the Vatican have said that Pope Francis will not attend the funeral but then to be fair, Catholic's have never gone down that well within Royal circles anyway so might be better he stays at home and watches it on Television.
The Queen’s funeral is being shown aroud the World to a potential audience of 4.1 billion which would make it the most watched global broadcast in history and here in the UK today has been designated a national bank holiday to allow us to watch the Queen’s funeral and i intend to do my utmost to respect the memory of Queen Elizabeth II by ignoring it completely and going shoe-shopping in shops which will be almost empty due to every else being sat infront of the TV.

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