FOAB Information

Friday 16 September 2022


I have been banging the Climate Change drum since the mid 80's and one thing that i have consistently heard is that science will find a find a way to dig us out of the hole we have foolishly got ourselves into and it seems like they may have a plan which they say will dial down the global thermostat and refreeze the North and South Poles to hold back the rising sea levels, but it seems mighty risky.
Described in the scientific journal Environmental Research Communications, they say if high-flying jets sprayed 13m tonnes of Sulphur Dioxide particles into the atmosphere above the Poles, this would reflect enough sunlight to cool the melting icecaps by 2C.
Sounds good in theory but my concerns are around any unintended consequences of releasing that material directly into the atmosphere and also this is only treats the symptom and not the cause which means even less effort would go into de-carbonisation so rather than buy time while we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we will continue polluting our air unabated.
The United Nations has a moratorium on attempting any form of geo-engineering at scale until experiments have shown it is entirely safe and i would be very wary of such an extreme measure until it is guaranteed 100 safe although at least the scientists are trying to find a solution because something needs to be done and quickly because left to the useless politicians, we are consigned to a slow death by our own stupid hand.

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