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Saturday 17 September 2022

Running The Economy Liz Truss Style

 An old and wise Economics teacher i used to know had a saying which went something like: 'Government's make things unfair for everyone so, ergo, to them things are actually fair' which sort of makes sense, at least more than his other favourite saying which was about how he had a good feeling about Tottenham's chances in the League this season so he had obviously been dropped on his head a few times as a child but when it came to matters of pounds and pence, he knew his stuff or i assume he did because i never got economics.
To me, if you have more coming in then you have going out then you are doing well and i guess you could scale that up to apply that to running a countries economy, don't spend more than you have so i am confused by the mini-budget coming our way which is promising all sorts of things.
The UK Debt under David Cameron was £811 billion and we all remember the severe austerity measures and cuts he said he HAD to introduce to bring it down but the last time i paid attention, the UK has a debt of £2,365.4 billion today which means that successive Conservative Prime Ministers have not so much brought it than let it balloon horrifyingly over the last decade but now we have Liz Truss having a go and she doesn't seem so concerned about what we owe.   
Her Government have already announced an energy cap which will cost the Government £150 billion to go with the £39 billion cost of living payments they have paid out and are preparing to announce £30bn of tax cuts, doubling the rate that high earners start to pay the higher rate of tax, scrapping of the 1.5% National Insurance rise and ditching the planned corporation tax rises which would have poured an additional £20 billion into Government coffers.
How you can balance the books by bringing less into the economy is not just something that i'm struggling with, the Institute for Fiscal Studies have issued a WTF statement saying: 'Cutting taxes is clearly going to lead to more government borrowing and therefore debt' and if they are scratching their heads over the Truss plan, then me with my budget planning skills which consist of counting how many days until pay-day have no chance of understanding what they are playing at although i'm afraid what else is coming our way from the Nasty Party although i do have a half-arsed theory about it all which goes like this.
The Conservatives are way behind in the polls and with an election in 2 years time, they are quite rightly expecting to get routed as the cost of living and inflation spirals out of control so they know Labour will have to pick up the pieces of the economy they have ruined, probably including tax rises and cuts to all manner of important things which means the Tories can spend the next four years in opposition and blame Labour for all the nasty things required to balance the books and at the time of the next election in 2028, the beleaguered public will kick Labour out and they will be elected in again.
Very sneaky but the alternative is if they are not playing the long game, then they are even more incompetent then we thought.

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