FOAB Information

Friday 30 September 2022

Stay Healthy The Scientific Way

To some drinking alcohol, eating chocolate, smoking and chugging down coffee is a sure way to get an early one way ticket to the cemetery but not to the science community, all those things are actively improving your short term memory, reducing your blood pressure and taking preventive action against neurological disorders.
Scientists have found that nicotine absorbed from cigarette smoke not only shortens reaction time and improves short term memory but helps prevent the onset of various forms of dementia as well as suppressing appetite so you will keep your marbles longer and stay slimmer which is certainly easier than doing laps at the local pool.
Danish researchers have found that drinking alcohol reduces the tendency of blockages to form in blood vessels, reduces the risk of kidney stones and helps protect against dementia, increase bone mineral density in women and even lowers blood pressure and the Netherlands National Institute of Public Health and Environment have found that chocolate contains a chemical that could prevent cancer and heart disease. Brocolli or a heart disease preventing Mars bar, hmmm, tough one that.
The University of North Dakota found that the Caffeine in Coffee lowers the risk of Alzheimer's and strokes and dieticians stated that a Latte provides 40% of the calcium, 25% protein and 35% of the vitamin D recommended each day as well as lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Eating dark chocolate could help control diabetes and blood pressure, Italian experts say. Wahey. Researchers found eating dark chocolate each day for 15 days lowered blood pressure.
There we go then, they may not have posters for these things at the doctors surgery but by laying on the sofa with a cigarette in the ashtray, coffee in one hand, Bacardi Breezer in the other whilst stuffing Snickers into your mouth, you are following a Scientifically proven diet to actively improve your short term memory, reducing your blood pressure and taking preventive action against neurological disorders.
Ok, you may also be spotty, wheezy and twitch constantly but better safe than sorry and it is a cross we must bear for these health regimes.

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