FOAB Information

Sunday 25 September 2022

Sweden And Italy Will Learn The Hard Way

At some point the Swedish and Italian populations must have looked across at Great Britain and the United States and seen was an awful job the right-wing Conservative and Republican Parties did and you would assume would have swerved voting in a right wing Government but nope, they looked and must have thought we'll have some of that and stand to have shiny new Governments in place shortly.
As Italy have got a not so great history with a far-right Government you would have thought that not adopting the old slogan of Benito Mussolini's fascists: 'God, fatherland and family' would have been a no brainer but then there are not many right wing Government members will likely to trouble any Brains Trust meetings.
She has also spoken out against the LGBT lobby and called for a naval blockade to halt migration so that doesn't bodes well but Italy going right wing is less of a surprise than Sweden who are to be ruled over by the far-right anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats who have raged against climate change, the EU and have a strong anti-migrant stance.
Soaring energy and food prices caused by war in Ukraine are being put forward as the reason why the right wing are growing in Europe, in France Marine Le Pen made it to the final vote and Hungary, Poland and Spain have all got extreme right wing governments of different shades and people are pointing to the rot setting in following the 2008 recession and austerity measures which allowed the right wing to to harness the dissatisfaction of those who felt they were left behind.
Why that would lead people to move to the right is not something i can grasp, if anything you would think that voting for a Government that favours the rich and ignores the poor would be the worst option but the right have been very good at demonising others for their nations woes, mostly immigration and inparticular Muslim immigrants, who are depicted as being incapable of integration and anti-Christian and responsible for freeloading off the welfare state, rising crime rates and terrorism.
If they had been paying attention to the UK and US, they would have seen that it didn't end well in America and the UK Government is not even pretending to care about the poorest in society now so not sure why they think it will be different in Sweden or Italy but we can only hope that it is not too disastrous for them before they come to their senses and vote in some proper politicians again.

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