FOAB Information

Thursday 22 September 2022

We Could Be In For A Very Bumpy Ride

The silver lining to the Queen dying was that the Government got to kick its heels for 10 days but now she is safely in the ground and Liz Truss and her motley Crew of right wingers are unleashing all their ideological policies and fresh on the heels of shoveling tonnes of money to the bankers in some warped trickle down idea, cancelling the corporation tax rise and cutting National Insurance, they are reopening the fracking fields because a few earthquakes seems to be a price worth paying.
The Bank of England have looked at the plans and increased Interest rates already and nobody from the Government has come out to explain how all this will be funded especially the National Insurance cut which was bought in only a few months ago to raise funds for the NHS.     
If they are not putting up tax, the only thing they can do is cut the amount they spend but nothing has come out about that yet but we have heard that everything will work out well in the end because the boost provided to the economy by all this will lead to faster growth and higher revenues for the Treasury.
The Conservatives are behind in the polls, time is short before the next election and most of what the Government are proposing are widely unpopular so the biggest winners have to be the Labour Party but in the next two years there is plenty of scope for things to go horribly, awfully, atrociously wrong for us all.

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