FOAB Information

Saturday 29 October 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Edward Ned Lowe

I had a good education for my later career, my whole family were notorious thieves in London and i became an accomplished pickpocket and burglar and much better than my brother who got caught and hanged and i took that as a sign to find somewhere where lawness was more appreciated and went to the American Colonies.
I did try to settle down, i got a job as a rigger and met and married Eliza Marble and we had a son, who died when he was an infant, and then my wife died in Labour during the birth of our daughter and that sort of tipped me over the edge, that and a bell end of a captain who refused to feed us whilst on a trip to Honduras.
I grabbed his gun and shot at him and that was the start of my life of piracy right there, me and 12 others took over a small sloop and made a black Flag, and declared War against all the World.
Piracy was a good career move in the early 18th Century and we joined up with some established pirates and i learnt my trade under them including some brilliant torture techniques and came up with a few of my own such as tying a victim's hands with rope between their fingers and setting it alight, burning their flesh down to the bones. Ouchies indeed.
Ready to strike out on my own, i was given my own ship and me and 44 of my hearty fellows set off to write our name into Pirate history, i even came up with my own flag, a red skeleton figure on a black background.
The seas off the coast of the American colonies was chock-a-block with pirates so i had to find a way to stand out so i tried to develop the notoriety of being the most ruthless pirate on the high seas, when one ship's Captain threw a bag of gold over the side rather than hand it over to me i cut off his lips, got the cook to fry them and made the captain eat them.
I then mutilated, disemboweled, decapitated and generally slaughtered the rest of the crew and took their ship but it was another ship, the Merry Christmas, which was where my story ends as after murdering a sleeping shipmate following an argument, my crew said i was too deranged even for them and set me adrift where i was picked up by a French ship who handed me over to the authorities and was hanged.
My pirate career only lasted three short years but at my trial i was called 'one of the most vicious pirates of the age with a reputation for violence, a savage and desperate man of amazing and grotesque brutality whose methods would have done credit to the ingenuity of the Spanish Inquisition' and what more sweet words could a pirate want to hear?

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