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Wednesday 19 October 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Josef Mengele

Fancy Dress parties are popular and if you went to a second World War Party the majority of men would either be Hitlers, SS officers or run of the mill Nazis because on some sub-conscious level everyone is fascinated by the evil ones throughout history. In any history book Genghis Khan, the Vikings, Napoleon or Vlad the Impaler will be read before anyone turn to the pages of Gandhi, Mother Theresa or the Suffragettes because there is something deep down inside of us that draws us to the worst side and i would be one of the worst people of the 20th century, and I'm telling you, that is not an easy list to get onto.   
Before the war, i received doctorates in anthropology and medicine, and began a career as a researcher in a lab which was absorbed into the NAZI Sturmabteilung and was assigned as a battalion medical officer at the start of World War II, then transferred to the Nazi concentration camps in Auschwitz, where as the chief medical officer i saw the opportunity to conduct genetic research on human subjects.
My area of interest was research into twins and the trains arriving full of POW's gave me plenty of material to work with and so after the initial selection process which removed those deemed unfit for labor such as children, women with small children, pregnant women and the elderly sent on a one way trip to the shower blocks, the best that the rest could hope for was a merciful death but when those opportunities for a good death weren't available, some just had to make do.
I did do some proper doctoring work, i single-handedly stopped a typhus epidemic in one of the women's camps by sending them all to the gas chamber which stopped it in its tracks, i got awarded the War Merit Cross for that and a promotion to First Physician.
My twins experiments included weekly examinations, amputation of limbs, intentionally infecting one twin with a disease and transfusing the blood of one twin into the other. Obviously many of them died during the experiments, one evening i injected chloroform into the hearts of 14 pairs of twins to see what would happen.
Unsurprisingly what happened was they all died horribly but i had more success when i sewed two Romani twins together, back to back, in an attempt to create conjoined twins, the success was they managed to survive for a week.
All good things must come to an end and the war ended and i was spirited away to Argentina were i worked as a carpenter and a salesman between dodging Israeli agents trying to extradite me and put me on trial so i moved to Paraguay and suffered a stroke while swimming and drowned.
Everything i did, i did in the interest of advancing science and spent years doing the sort of experiments which would make a normal man's testicles crawl into his eye sockets, which funnily enough is one of the experiments we did for fun on those long, cold Winter nights.

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