FOAB Information

Sunday 30 October 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Sylvia Plath

I was famous for what become known as confessional poetry, writing about events from my own life and as i was married to that two bit loser Ted Hughes, i have a lot of poetry to confess into although i did spend most of my life trying to end it.
I wrote poetry from a young age and had some published in newspapers and had a go a writing novels but they were rejected as juvenile which never helped my depression much and that was my first suicide attempt, trying to cut the artery in my leg but obviously i survived it and it did prove to be an experience i would write about in The Bell Jar or that may have been my second attempt a few months later with a bottle of sleeping pills in the cellar.
Between treatment of several bouts of electro shock therapy, i carried on writing poetry about what i had experienced and after graduation, i accepted a teaching job at the college, but it left little time to write my poetry so quit and took a summer job on a farm which gave me such inspiration for my poems that they were printed in major publications.
It was at that time that i met British poet Ted Hughes at a party, we ended up in a room alone together where he kissed my neck and i bit him hard on the cheek hard enough that he had blood running down his face but we married four months later although i was still being treated for depression.
We moved to England and i was gaining quite a name for myself as a poet but the depression raged on and after i tried to drive a car through a wall, i spent time in hospital and my husband spent time inside advertising executive Assia Wevill.
I wrote a poem about it called 'The Lady of Lazarus' which contained the passage 'Dying Is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well' and i finally did do it well, sealing myself in the kitchen and sticking my head in the oven, dying by carbon monoxide poisoning.

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