FOAB Information

Sunday 30 October 2022

What Your Halloween Costume Reveals About You

It might just be a bit of fun but what exactly does your Halloween costume reveals about your Personality? More than you want people to know according to Psychologists who call it 'enclothed cognition' which finds that our choice of clothing can reflect our psychological state.
The golden rule is if you are at a Halloween party and see someone wearing a mask then don't go there girlfriend because they are trying to hide their true self behind it so what about a Superhero costume? What type of person turns up dressed as a Superhero?
The type of person who has a childlike fantasy of saving the world and fighting evil and wants to be liked and admired but beware because they like to take risks, and can also be aggressive, bold and controlling, that's who.
So you move away from Superman/Wonderwoman and notice the hostess is dressed like a Disney Princess but don't get drawn into a conversation with her as she is pining for a return to a simpler more innocent life, when things were uncomplicated so unless you want to spend the next hour hearing her go on and on and on about how the person they married turned out to be a complete duffer, then move away swiftly before she comes over and hey, there is somebody dressed in sexy French Maid outfit, i bet she is fun but hang about.
Psychologists say they are after attention and want people looking at them so probably extrovert, probably a show off and definitely someone who if you spoke to them for five minutes that would be 4 minutes and 50 seconds too long.
You notice that most people come as vampires, zombies or witches, or those that hide a more darker side to their personality according to psychology so what about the two people dressed as a animals, well the tiger (or any wild animal) likes to see themselves as untameable so they would be unreliable and you should trust them as far as you could throw them while the other one dressed as Scooby Doo (or any other pet animal) is desperate to be loved and needs constant hugs and reassurance.
Giving up you get your coat and it is handed to you by someone dressed as a dead once famous celebrity and psychologists say this are the ones who have low self esteem and don't like to rock the boat so as you make your excuses and are about to leave you notice an overweight person who has painted their rather large stomach orange and drawn a pumpkin face on it.
The psychologists agree that the only thing you should say to them is that they should immediately go home and put on a tee-shirt.

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