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Friday 25 November 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Francois Villon

I was a firm believer that Gentlemen of literature should write about the things they have experienced and i had many experiences which ended with me looking at the inside of a prison cell but i was that good that i still managed to make them all flowery and rhyming.
I was born into poverty and raised by a foster father who taught me Latin grammar and syntax and became a student in arts and after receiving my Masters and Bachelor's degrees from the University of Paris i could have had a promising career in law or the church but instead i said right, let's see what this world has to offer for a virile, young poet and found out that mostly it was girls, alcohol and brawling.
The second and third combined immediately when i got into an argument with a priest in a bar, a scuffle broke out and daggers were drawn and he attacked me but i retaliated and not only jabbed him between the ribs but smashed him over the head with a rock for good measure.
Obviously with that much blood leaking from his head he wasn't going to live much longer so i ran away thinking what a great poem this would make only i wouldn't be able to write it in Paris as the authorities banned me from the city but they relented and exonerated me of all charges when the Priest publicly forgave me before he died.
My poetry was going great and i had more experiences when i joined up with a gang of thieves and we were caught stealing 500 Gold Crowns from a Chapel and i was banished from Paris again so i spent the next 4 years as a wanderer, mostly wandering through the windows of places and exiting again with their valuables.
I was caught again and spent time counting the bricks in an Orléans cell while writing my most famous works, Le Grand Testament, until i was released as part of a general jail-delivery at the accession of King Louis XI and became a free man again and returned to Paris or rather the Grand Châtelet fortress in Paris after i got arrested for theft and bailed.
I considered taking this time to reflect on my life, taking the opportunity to take a step back and evaluate my goals and objectives and to take the necessary action to in the aspects of my life that i might want to improve, instead what i did was get into a fight in a tavern and taken back to the fortress where i was condemned to be hanged.
While i was sitting on death row i wrote 'Ballad of Hanged Men' and 'I Am Francois, They Have Caught Me' but before i swung by my neck a last minute appeal saved my life and reduced my sentence to 10 years banishment from Paris.
Coming that close to death caused me to evaluate a few things so i changed my ways and went to live in a small town and there my story ends in a beautiful mystery and the speculation that i may lived a happy life, died on a mat of straw in some cheap tavern, or in a cold, dank cell, or in a fight in some dark street or even on a gallows in a little town in France and yep, it was definitely one of those.

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