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Tuesday 8 November 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Marcel Petiot

If you went to a painter you would be happy to know that he had spent his lifetime painting and if you went to an accountant you would prefer one who has spent his life working in Accountancy so after a life of suffering from mental illness the job i was best suited to was working as a doctor in a mental hospital.
I got diagnosed as being mentally ill following a psychiatric evaluation at the age of 11 after being expelled for shooting my fathers gun at school but too mental for school didn't mean i wasn't too mental for the French army and i signed up at the start of World War I but not long afterwards was wounded and sent to various rest homes, where i was promptly arrested for stealing off the staff and then someone remembered i was mentally ill so sent me to a psychiatric hospital where they all agreed i was not mental enough to not be sent back to the front where i then tried to blow off my own foot with a grenade so they discharged me with a disability pension.  
At a loose end i took an accelerated medical degree and found work at the Évreux mental hospital and found a nice sideline in selling addictive narcotics to patients and as a respected member of the community, i went on to be the mayor of Villeneuve-sur-Yonne and embezzled funds until i got
caught and forced to resign but i then got elected as a councilor of Yonne Département and got caught stealing electricity from the village so obviously i resigned again and moved to Paris and opened a medical practise just as the NAZI's rolled into town.
I then invented my most lucrative activity yet, pretending to send Jews to Argentina and safety for only 25,000 Francs and i threw in the inoculations that i told them the Argentine officials required them to have.
As soon as they paid it was sleeve up followed by a syringe full of cyanide and a trip to the bottom of the Seine or thrown into a pit in my garden.
It was all going so well, their friends and families thought they were safe in South America and not getting nibbled at by the fish at the bottom of a river but i found myself out of luck when the Nazis got their arses spanked by the Allies and France began forming a new government and one of it's first tasks was rooting out collaborators and traitors.
As i was both i skipped out, grew a beard and changed my name and was set to travel to Indochina but even cultivating a real honker of a face-bush didn't fool them and they arrested me, put me on trial where i pleaded innocence as the people i killed were all Nazi Collaborators so i was one of the good guys and remember, i'm mentally ill and for a moment i thought i was going to get away with it but my head nestling in a basket under a guillotine a few days later was proof i never.

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