FOAB Information

Sunday 11 December 2022

Blame The Government, Not The Strikers

With regards to the slew of strikes happening at the moment, the Government plan seems to be refuse to negotiate and let the strikes happen and the public will be annoyed that the Nurses, firefighters, public servants, railworkers and all the rest will be under pressure to go back to work with nothing changed although the Unions are doing their damnedest to make sure the public know that it isn't them refusing to negotiate.
The Royal College of Nurses yesterday said that they have asked 5 times for negotiations with the Health Minister to avoid strike action who turned up to two of them and refused to actually do any negotiating, just said pay wasn't up for discussion and left again.
All the Unions are saying the same thing so it must be a strategy of the Government to turn up so they can say they turned up and then leave again and say well we did go but nothing was agreed and then tacitly imply that it was the Unions fault, hence the much repeated quote of costing the public an additional £1,000 each if they gave in to the Unions demands, a claim that every economist has dismissed as a figure plucked out of thin air and not even in the same ball park as accurate.
With the latest polls showing every strike in every department has over 50% public support, the Government are hoping that this will fall once the strikes actually happen which is why they are so keen to let them happen and hope that nobody remembers that the Conservatives are the reason who so much is failing due to being under funded for the period they have been in power.
It was they who froze the pay of public and Civil servants for a decade under their austerity measures, they who raised the NHS Budget by 1% each year instead of the acknowledged 4% it took to keep it running on parity and they who committed economic suicide by leaving the EU and shaving 4% off GDP and initially backed the disastrous right wing ideology of Liz Truss who tanked the economy within a few weeks.
Every decision is political and they are making a political decision to try and shift the blame away from 11% Interest Rates, the worst performing economy in the G20 and the cost of living crisis which will literally see people die so don't let them off the hook because they are 100% to blame for the state of the nation, and the state of the nation is currently appallingly abhorrent. 

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