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Sunday 18 December 2022

Christmas In Secular UK

Britain has never been that religious a country with under 1% attending Church with any regularity, Tony Blair summed it up a while back where he said that he kept his religious beliefs hidden because otherwise the British people would think he was a nutter. Obviously he was fine with us thinking he was a warmongering liar but a nutter with belief in God and the Baby Jesus, nope, keep that bit quiet.
As a largely secular nation, the idea of Jesus at Christmas has been pushed firmly behind Father Christmas and Snowmen which is quite a decent feat because Christ is the first part of the name of the season but us Brits has managed to remove the religious element from it magnificently.  
Despite finding that whole kid born in a stable story a little unconvincing, we do occasionally see a nativity scene somewhere but they are a rare sight and Greggs got in trouble for an advert a few years ago by having three wise men sat around a sausage roll in a manger, apparently the few religious people left rattled their rosary beads in protest that it was mocking their religious beliefs or something forcing the bakers to sniff out an apology that they were sorry to have caused any offence etc etc
I always take the view that unless you was brain-washed into the religion thing as a child and you looked at all the evidence for Christianity and decided it convinced you then you really should look a bit harder so as an atheist i guess celebrating Christmas makes the majority of us who don't spend our Sundays sat on
a wooden bench in a draughty Church all hypocrites and i guess to some degree it does.
That said i do pity the religious folk, mainly the younger ones who are dragged into it by Bible bashing parents as they have no chance, the seed is sown for them before they even have chance to weigh things up for themselves so if you get the usual question of why celebrate Christmas if you don't believe it then you can either pity them for not being as clever as us, launch into a tirade that Christmas was a pagan festival that the Christians stole or say that you are celebrating the birth of one of the most influential people in the history of mankind who was born on December 25th, only Sir Isaac Newton was real.

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