FOAB Information

Monday 26 December 2022

Isn't The Solution Obvious?

Nobody likes to think they have been duped which is why many of the folk who voted for Brexit refuse to see what a car crash it has been and ignore the official data from the Bank of England, the Office for Budget Responsibility and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development which roundly concludes that Brexit has caused lasting damage to the UK economy as pre-warned it would.
Brexit has been blamed for the UK being the only economy in the G7 still below its pre-pandemic size, real wages falling by 2.9% following Brexit, food price rising by 6%, business investment flatlining since 2016, UK trade 15% lower than if we’d remained in the EU and the UK stil has to pay the £42.5bn Brexit divorce bill and rather than control immigration, last year saw a record 504,000 immigrants which is ironic given the racist undertone to much of the Brexit leavers decisions.
The upshot of 'controlling immigration' is that Britain lost healthcare workers, food rotted unpicked in the fields as continental seasonal workers stayed away and the Government had to make a plea for the foreign delivery drivers who had left the country to come back as shop shelves sat unrefilled.
Scottish independence numbers are edging up and Northern Ireland have made noises about unifying with Ireland so the United Kingdom could be banished to the History Books along with the names Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union.
Shamefully, the Labour Party are afraid to promise we would rejoinin the EU Single market or Customs Area and are talking about how to make Brexit work which ignores that the the only real solution is to rejoin the EU as a priority but it seems that the Brexit experiment still has some way to go and havoc to wreak before someone in power is brave enough to admit that it was all a disaster and our destiny and future prosperity lie's with Europe and going back into the worlds largest single market made up of our nearest neighbours is economically obvious, even to the most hard of thinking Brexit supporter.

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