FOAB Information

Thursday 29 December 2022

Tories Literally Bad For Our Health

The UK is the 6th largest economy in the World, every penny the Government spends is a political decision, it is they who decide who gets what and how much so it is hard to accept that they cannot afford to fund the NHS when they are spending hundreds of billions on nuclear weapons and £50bn on a train-line which will get people from London to Birmingham 20 minutes faster.
The truth is that since the Conservatives took power in 2010, they have closed hospitals and deliberately underfunded the NHS, paying 1% instead of the usual 4% per annum required for it to run smoothly which is why it is in crisis today.
A shocking statistic from NHS England is that in 2010, 3,697 waited over four hours to be seen in an Accident and Emergency Ward, today, after 12 years of mismanagement, that figure is 130,528 and today my local Hospital was one of several who announced a Crisis and requested that people only go to A&E departments if they have 'a life-threatening emergency' and urged patients to use other services, including NHS 111, GPs and pharmacists.
It is a widely held belief, and one which i agree with, that the Conservative game has always been to run down the NHS to such a state that we end up crying out for it to be privatised so we can get a hospital bed.
Throw into the ring the tens of billion in cuts and the 44 hospitals and treatment centres that have been closed with a loss of 15,000 beds and it is no wonder the NHS isn't coping and a shocking 30,000 extra deaths per year are attributed to Government cuts.
It is said that Conservative Governments are bad for our health and now they literally are.

1 comment:

  1. Statista - 'Just a decade ago, Indian GDP was the eleventh largest in the world. Now, with 7 percent growth forecast for 2022, India's economy has overtaken the United Kingdom's in terms of size, making it the fifth biggest. That's according to the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund.'

    It was a thing here before Xmas but the UK Government neglected to mention it, probably had other things on their mind and forgot.
