FOAB Information

Sunday 29 January 2023

How's Brexit Working For Ya Leavers?

Some people are slow to the party, some are just not that bright and others just let their racist views cloud their judgement and it is probably a mix of all three which led to the Brexit vote although for most people I spoke to at the time, 'kicking out the foreigners' was the most quoted view.
As a remainer, i am happy to ask them 'How's that working out for you?' sure in the response as the UK’s economy tanks, the now missing foreigners means empty shelves and fruit and vegetables rotting in the fields and the £350 million a week for the NHS as promised on the side of the bus never materialised.
A BMG poll shows that one in ten of people who voted for Brexit in 2016 are now considering the benefits of reversing Brexit and rejoining the EU although none of the main Political parties are offering it, Labour only stating they will try to do the best with what they will inherit and the Conservatives still under the delusion that they can get Britain back on an even keel outside of the European Union.  
Asked what the new converts to the virtues of the EU believe the impact of going back in to the economic bloc would be, 47% of voters believe it would improve the NHS, the economy and the cost of living crisis,  and improve trade, only 24% sticking to their guns and saying it would be negative.
How the Brexiteers who have now changed their mind thought leaving the Worlds largest Single Market and asking the vast army of foreign workers to leave would not have a negative impact on the country was mind boggling at the time and generally i would say better late than never but it's too late now, we are out and suffering the economic and social whirlwind as a result and even if we did decide to go back in, the EU would require their pound of flesh in return and a long, drawn out process over years to readmit us.
Nobody can say they wasn't warned, a much repeated refrain at the time from leavers was they knew what they were voting for and if they did, and if this is what they expected to happen, then they are even bigger morons than i gave them credit for.


  1. If one of my most common gripes in this blog the past 20 years was about the shitty uk (sic) economy (even in the good years) then you must be able to come up with loads of examples of my griping about it.

    As for the eu (sic) has been declining for 20 years, and that continues, that's still news to me and even the most critical EU haters here because nobody apart from you seems to be mentioning how it is declining. The Worldbank seems to think it is having a jolly old time, almost 6% growth in 2021.

    As for your geography, i am sure your local library has a kids Atlas they will lend you so you can see why the UK gets it's energy from the near continent and not Russia.

  2. Hmmm…I’m not feeling overwhelmed by examples of 20 years of constant griping.
