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Thursday 19 January 2023

Still A Lefty

 It is often said that people turn more right wing as they get older but i have never found that to be true, there are younger people with awful right wing views and they never see the light and keep their selfish, egotistical viewpoint all the way through their lives and i have a theory that the younger ones
absorb the views of the parents and it is not until they leave their parents and strive out on their own that they develop their own views, if at all.
My parents were both lefties and i have kept that left wing viewpoint ever since and people say to me that i can't be all left about everything, their must be some right wing views and luckily there isn't so nope, it's lefty all the way although some things seemed to have been pushed into the left column without particularly being a lefty view.
You would assume that everyone would be interested in Environmentalism and not polluting the only planet we have to live on but nope, their are some who are quite happy for others to go on spewing out the poison into the atmosphere and clogging up the seas with plastic while the seas and oceans lap around their ankles but i see them as useful idiots of the companies and corporations who would suffer financially if they had to radically change their ways.
Equality for all, ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity in life regardless of sex, race, religion or sexual preference should also be a given but women are still seen as inferior, blacks continue to suffer racism, wars of religion continue and anyone who isn't heterosexual are considered somehow 'wrong' and are denied the same rights as straight people.
Politically, right wing Governments are all for maintaining the status quo which sees the poorest in society continue to suffer with austerity while the money gets shoved to the top in that failed attempt at drip down economics, that half of the world's net wealth belongs to the top 1% of the population should be considered a travesty but they are there to maintain that rather than distribute the wealth evenly so everyone can benefit.  
Wars continue and we choose which side we are on so our Governments financially and militarily back hateful nations like Israel and Saudi Arabia in their murderous and immoral conflicts and try not to mention the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed.
It is good to sometimes check your beliefs but i read something when i was a teenager which went something like 'It's true that life isn't fair so let's do our best to make it fairer' and that belief is as strong today as it was then so no shifting to the right here, i am happily and still thankfully firmly on the left side of the ideological fence and wonder why everybody isn't? 

1 comment:

  1. Controls that make our World cleaner, less discriminatory, more beneficial for everyone and less dependent on other tyrannical governments you mean? Those controls?
