FOAB Information

Saturday 21 January 2023

This Is Avoiding The Chaos

When Rishi Sunak took over the Prime Minister role in October, his first comments was that his government will have integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level, seems that he left the word 'not' out of that sentence because since then the Prime Minister has received a Police fine, the second in nine months, and a former Chancellor of the Exchequer, the man in charge of HM Revenue and Customs, was fined for not paying his taxes due to HMRC.
If you are responsible for making the countries laws, it should go without saying that it's far from ideal to be caught breaking them and it moves into farce if you film yourself and post it to Social Media while you are doing it as Rishi did with his seat-belt dangling illegally behind him as he chuntered on about his levelling up policy which even the police couldn't miss as an own goal and sent him the 'you now owe us £500 for not wearing your seatbelt' letter.
Nadhim Zahawi has dismissed his £5m HMRC penalty for not paying his tax as careless rather than a deliberate attempt to evade paying taxes 21 years ago when he set up his business with his father because as we all know, when it is paid through an offshore account to avoid Capital Gains Tax, it is easy to forget and get a bit careless with telling HMRC, especially when you are running it.   
Taken in total, it could seem that the Government are either so full of incompetents that it is beyond humour or full of charlatans lining their own pockets in the knowledge that it is highly unlikely they will survive the next General Election, hence why Rishi Sunak has a fondness of flying around making short trips in a RAF Jet such as the recent trip to the North of the country to announce new carbon saving 'Green Freeports'.
On the TV tonight we had Justice Secretary Dominic Raab who tried valiantly to defend his colleagues before returning to his office to continue his fight against the investigation against the ten bullying allegations against him.
At the last Election the Conservative Party pitch was the safe hands of their leadership under Boris Johnson or chaos under Jeremy Corbyn so we can only thank our lucky stars Labour never got in power then and we avoided al that havoc and disruption, this is meant to be a serious country after-all.

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