FOAB Information

Saturday 7 January 2023

UK Space Launch, Nice Plane

The UK officially enters the Space Age at 22:16 on Monday with the first orbital space launch from Cornwall's Spaceport and my initial excitement at being invited to an actual launch has diminished slightly when the details arrived.
The viewing area is located across the runway from the Spaceport hangar and the literature states that 'Although it will be dark, you'll still be able to witness some aspects of the launch and experience the sounds and smells that come with it'.
The launch, rather than a rocket firing up vertically like imagined, is a rocket carrying satellites being carried under the wing of a Virgin Plane which will be released 40 minutes later once it is over the other side of Ireland and in the Atlantic Ocean so the aspects of the launch being witnessed will be the plane taking off.
There will not be parking on site and umbrellas are not permitted despite every weather app on my phone showing rain for Cornwall on Monday night and a warning that 'there is no guarantee the launch will take place'.   
As i am that end of the country on Monday anyway then i will attend just so i can say i was there unless i come down with something which means i am unable to travel and forced to watch it on the Spaceport's live YouTube channel instead in the dry and warm without an hour walk back to my car in the rain at stupid o' clock.

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