FOAB Information

Sunday 15 January 2023

What Is The Ukrainian End Game?

The Ukrainian conflict has been going on for over 300 days now and an estimated 200,000 people have been killed or injured in the war which has seen Russia taking on Ukraine backed by the West who have been supplying the weapons to fight with.
The British have today announced they will be sending Challenger II Tanks to bolster the Ukrainian war effort which takes the amount spent on Ukraine to over £2 billion, the third largest donor behind Germany's £2.3bn and America's £18.5 billion.
In total an estimated £30 billion of military hardware has been sent to Volodymyr Zelensky's military as it battles one of the Worlds superior military's although some Governments are finding it harder to justify sending billions abroad when they face economic pressures at home, Rishi Sunak is already facing questions from his own side when his 'no money to spare' is wheeled out to justify not giving the NHS the money it requires while spending billions on military hardware elsewhere.   
I don't know if the West's thinking is that like in 1970's Afghanistan, if they keep supplying the 'good guys' long enough, the Russians will withdraw with their tails between their legs or if Russia's plan is to keep the war going as it is strangling the West's economies but nobody seems to be offering an end game with the Ukrainian and the Russian's not looking as if they are prepared to step back from the brutality any time soon.
Zelensky has said he will not accept anything other than the complete withdrawal of Russia from Ukraine and Putin is saying he will not accept anything other than complete Ukraine submission so we are at a stalemate with the citizens of Ukraine bearing the brunt of the missiles reigning down on them.
All conflicts end with peace talks and for all i know they may be going on behind the scenes in secret but i'm not hearing of any and the UN, NATO or any of the other International Agencies are busting a gut to bring the sides together but at some point someone is going to have to.
Admittedly most of the concessions will have to come from the Ukrainian side but the idiom here must be 'live to fight another day' which unfortunately, the longer the war goes on, less and less will survive to see that day.
I have often said that as America bankrolls Israel, it has no incentive to find peace with the Palestinians and only a withdrawal of funds will cause it to the negotiating table and the same goes with Ukraine who will fight as long as the West supplies it with weapons and as sad as it is considering they were the
victim here, it must be better to live under the shadow of Russia then be buried underneath the rubble of another of it's missiles and that sucks but with 100 Ukrainians dying each day, each week sees 700 more Ukrainians for who any peace talks have come too late.

1 comment:

  1. Those other governments supposedly sending 2% of GDP to NATO may disagree
