FOAB Information

Sunday 5 February 2023

Is It A Bird? A Plane? A Chinese Spy Balloon?

Up until this weekend the most famous weather balloon in America was the one which came down in Roswell in 1959 but the one everyone has been talking about has Made In China stamped on it's side.
It currently lies at the bottom of the Pacific off the coast of Carolina after a US Airforce jet took it down but prior to that it was floating serenely over missile silos in Montana while red-faced officials in Beijing scramble to tell the over-excited Americans that what they were calling a high-altitude surveillance was actually a harmless meteorological data collecting gadget which had accidentally gone astray and offered
an apology for any inconvenience.  
At a time when US-China relations are shaky at best, it isn't great that China have been caught red handed spying on their rival and the US secretary of state has already postponed what was deemed to be an ice-breaking weekend visit to China with President Xi Jinping after the wreckage of Donald Trump’s presidency took relations to a new low with rows over trade, US sanctions and the Coronavirus.
With Taiwan, Hong Kong, the South China Sea and Xinjiang potential flashpoints between the two and with American Intelligence saying they know that Xi had ordered his forces to be ready to invade although they are the same people who swore blind Iraqi's were tripping over weapons of mass destruction, that
can be taken with a salt-mine full of the stuff.  
The first rule of espionage is don't get found out so it would seem strange that the Chinese would deploy an obvious 90ft bright white spy balloon at such delicate times and not use much harder to detect satellites although they probably are, all nations seem to be keeping a wary eye on each other and it wasn't that long ago that America was caught hacking German Ministers mobile phones, and they are on the same side.  
Whether it was a weather balloon or something more sinister we will find out as soon as it is dragged out of the sea, and my money is on a really bad spying mission, but Joe Biden is being accused of being asleep at the wheel for not bringing it down straight away but to be fair he falls asleep wherever he is but it has created some brilliant memes, my favourite being: ' Goodnight Table, Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Chinese Spy Balloon'. Very funny.

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