FOAB Information

Saturday 4 February 2023

Æŋliſh: An Ævolviŋ Languagæ

If i was writing this blog in Middle England times then it would read very different. Firstly i'm not sure how kindly the very head choppy King Henry VIII would take to his subjects writing posts mocking his obesity, his love life or his crippling gout and 16th Century Keyboards would have been laid out very differently as back then the English language was a very different beast.  
Luckily i have a 16th Century keyboard so that first paragraph would be If i was ƿritiŋ þis blog in Middlæ Ængland timæſ þæn it ƿould ræad verȝ diffærænt. Firſtly i'm not ſuræ how kindlȝ þæ væry hæad ȝoppy King Hænry VIII ƿould takæ to hiſ ſubjæcts ƿritiŋ posts mockiŋ his obæſity, his lovæ lifæ & his crippliŋ gout & 16þ Cæntury Kæyboardſ ƿould havæ bææn laid out væry diffæræntlȝ aſ back þæn þe Ængliſh languagæ was a værȝ diffærænt bæaſt.
Seeing as that took me forever i have abandoned the idea of writing a whole post in archaic English but it does prove how difficult it would be to read signs if you travelled back in time, imagine going back to Ancient Egypt where they didn't use letters but got by with hieroglyphics and seeing a sign which read 'Owl, Bird, Foot, Squiggly line, Squiggly line', you wouldn't have a clue if you was outside a shop selling two for one pomegranates or being told to watch out for falling  rocks.
They did actually make warnings to make sure that future generations would not go disturbing the Kings in the Pyramids by putting up stark warning of all kinds of horrid things that would happen if we did enter the tombs of the Pharaohs but we couldn't understand them and so smashed them open anyway.
It appears that since people like Chaucer 600 years ago put quill to parchment we have gained the letters J, U, V and W which he never had access to so we may have 16% more alphabet than him but the alphabet is a constantly changing feast which brings us neatly to the spent nuclear fuel dumps not just in the UK but all over the World.
As the radioactive material will remain dangerous for at least 100,000 years, a 'Keep Out' sign is the absolute minimum but it is extremely unlikely that our descendants will speak any of our languages in 100,000 years and 'Keep Out' will mean as much as Owl, Foot, Toad does to us today so you hope that our leaders are making a plan for that but it probably hasn't occurred to them to warn future generations, as Chaucer may have said, they are a bunch of uſælæſſ baſtardſ afterall.

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