FOAB Information

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Pope Say's Those Gay Types Are Alright Afterall

The Bible is clear on many things, a talking snake told the first woman who was made from a rib from her mate to eat the forbidden apple, another man managed to cram two and seven of every animal onto a 437ft long boat and gays, or 'abominations' as the Bible calls them, should be killed.
The whole quote is: 'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death' which leaves little room for misunderstanding but the Bible hugging types seemed to select the bits they believe and whilst be all to willing to go with the first bit and hate on them, they don't seem to be not quite so keen to enforce the second bit.
Obviously sometimes the word of God is fine until it makes you look a dangerous whackadoodle but i am sure God is fine with his believers cherry picking the bits they want, when he wasn't wiping out everyone he was a loving peaceful guy afterall so i'm not sure what the big guy will think of his representative here on Earth saying that those gay abominable types, they're alright afterall.
Pope Francis has followed up his previous comments where he called on Christians to seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them with a visit to Africa, where homosexuals are killed and announced that 'being homosexual isn't a crime' and any laws which criminalise homosexuality are 'unjust and the Vatican should help put an end to them'.
A very welcome Papal message of love to everyone for all bigots and perverts obsessed with the sex lives of other couples to take on board but not everyone is so keen to bring the Church into the 21st Century as the Head of Africa's Catholic Abbots was quick to explain, saying: 'The Holy Father is far from being a supporter of homosexuality, he simply wanted to show that a person who practices homosexuality is still capable of remaining in society'.
That's sweet of him, allowing people who don't fall in love with anyone sanctioned by the Church to be allowed to remain in society which shows that even the most massively fanatic, zealously prejudiced arse can be just a huge fanatic, zealously prejudiced arse if given enough prodding.

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