FOAB Information

Sunday 19 February 2023

Yet Another Great Idea From Me

I think it is fair to say that if some nations had a choice, they wouldn't choose to be living right next door to their current neighbours so the solution is simple, a country swap.
Cuba for example would probably prefer to be closer to their ideological comrades Russia and China than the United States of America and it is probably also fair to say that the Israelis had the option, they would rather be living nearer the shores of North America than in the Middle East so they can swap.
America would be happy as it would prefer a more compliant Israel on it's border rather than the belligerent Cubans sticking two fingers up at them so all will be fine on that score.
Likewise, Israel has been at war with almost everyone of it's neighbours at some point in a little over 60 years and nobody in the area wants its stuck there in the Middle East anyway so no problems from that side also as well as the bonus of Cuba being an Ireland so no stealing land or neigbours to oppress.
One sticking point may come that it will be another decade at least until Israel steal enough land off the Palestinians to swap like for like but that's plenty of time for Cuba to wrap it's things up in newspaper and learn what 'Do you want to buy some cigars?' is in Arabic.
Scotland are desperate to leave the British Isles and us English would be happy to phone the removal vans for them and we have the perfect replacement in New Zealand who have a population almost identical to Scotland so its a perfect fit and New Zealander's seem a lot more friendly than the Scots and if they can bring that nice Jacinda woman with them, all the better.
South Korea and North Korea are almost permanently on the verge of knocking seven bells out of each other so i am sure that the South Koreans would love to move away and Iran would be happy to move their stuff and nuclear facilities closer to North Korea where they could test their nuclear capability until the cows come home and Hong Kong's population is close enough to Ireland's to make a move possible, the Hong Kong never wanted to leave British rule anyway and China would find a few million fesity Irishmen tanked up on Guinness less willing to take their nonsense.
Mexico is always being bad-mouthed by its more warmongery northern neighbour and the Japanese are forever having to duck as North Korea's missile tests whistle over their heads so both could be up for a swap and even America couldn't object, they dropped a freaking nuclear missile on them so they owe them anyway.     
The United Nations poo-pooed my other ideas but i think they may be up for this one as it comes with the bonus of not so many flashpoints around the World, someone get me Antonio Guterres on the blower. 

1 comment:

  1. As long as it’s nowhere too hot, we English are very pasty skinned
