FOAB Information

Saturday 11 March 2023

Rishi To Decide On Stanley Johnson

Hard to know just what Boris Johnson's father, Stanley Johnson, has done to deserve a knighthood unless it is services to breaking lock-down rules when he travelled to his Greek Home while the rest of us was told to stay at home.
He does have experience in dealing with battered women, especially as his wife was one but in his defence he did say he only broke her nose that one time after he hit her which is one less than the number of times he has been accused of inappropriately touching women.
Admittedly these are not achievements that usually attract an honour which has annoyed those who do hold the honour already, arguing that admitting a man of the caliber of the wife beating, sexual pest Stanly Johnson to their exclusive club devalues there own knighthood but you never know, he may reflect on his
achievements and have the self-respect and integrity to refuse the honour in light of having done absolutely nothing to deserve it.   
That Boris even put his name forward is not unexpected, he has already bestowed an honour onto his brother and nobody ever lost any money backing Boris to do the wrong thing with no regard to the optics, when a man does not even know how many children he has you know you are in the presence of a man thicker than a nuclear bunker wall.
That Stanley fathered someone as wonderfully inept as his son Boris (obviously before the wife nose breaking days) should exempt him from any award whatsoever but over to you Rishi, it's down to you to rubber stamp the peerage for Boris's awful dad.

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