FOAB Information

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Today Is...National Fragrance Day

Where once a star might restrict themselves to a product range related to their line of work - a footballers football boots for instance,  this is now viewed as needlessly limiting so it is that we are gifted such unmissable retail opportunities from an entire ocean of celebrities such as Britney Spears, Kate Moss, Cindy Crawford and Kylie Minogue's perfume apparently designed by the celebrities to all those who have found themselves suitably undressed until they smelt like the celebrity in question.
It isn't just for women either, men can choose from smelling like David Beckham, Bradley Cooper, Justin Beiber or even Michael Caine if they care to which is a million miles away from the Brut and Old Spice that my dad would splash it on so liberally that you could smell whatever room he had been in for hours afterwards.
It was the same with my mum's perfume, she had enough lined up on her bedroom sideboard to float a small ship but while they all smelt pleasant enough, i do remember it used to make me sneeze when she got too close.
Not that i am moaning, it is nice for men to want to smell nice, we have all sat next to men who are not so keen to used the deodorant and i know which i prefer.
Where i worked before, i was on the 7th floor and rather than take the stairs i would join the queue for the lift every morning and i have worked out that a lift full of men can be an assault on the nasal passages because they stink. Not a bad stink but a very overpowering stench of aftershave, hair gel and deodorant.
As the day goes on the smell gets more bearable but that first blast in the morning, especially in the confines of a lift, is quite unpleasant.
Maybe it comes from experience but women don't seem to have this problem, the pleasant smell that surrounds them in the morning is confined to their immediate vicinity and doesn't linger.
Possibly the manufacturers of men products make their products so strong on purpose so the smell lasts all day but if we must use such overpowering smells, men should avoid confined areas until the afternoon.

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