FOAB Information

Friday 24 March 2023

Today Is...Start Of The Kosovo War

When the Kosovon's declared themselves as a new, independent nation most nations said: 'That's nice' and carried on doing whatever they were doing and really didn't notice the Kosovon Army (KLA) ethnically cleansing Kosovo of Serbians but they did take notice when Serbia retaliated and rolled their tanks into Kosovo.
NATO decided the KLA, designated terrorists by the UN, were the good guys and Serbia must be stopped and although the UN said 'Keep your big nose out of it' and refused to sanction the conflict, NATO went ahead and bombed Serbia anyway and three months later the Serbian Army was in retreat, their leader Slobodan Milosevic was arrested for War Crimes and Kosovo became an interim civilian administration under the authority of the United Nations.
That the KLA then attacked Macedonia after the Serbian Army was chased out of Kosovo and tried the same 'Help us, we are the victims' tactic and was told in no uncertain terms by its new friends to back off meant the penny finally dropped but by then they had cleared the way for the KLA.  
A report from the Council of Europe on what the KLA did next concluded that the KLA were gangster thugs involved in murder, drug selling and selling body parts from kidnapped Serb civilians which led the first commander of U.N. troops in Bosnia, Canadian Gen. Lewis MacKenzie saying 'We bombed the wrong side. The Kosovo-Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius'.
So NATO was deceived into helping the KLA, condemned as terrorists by all and backed by Bin Laden, who picked a fight with Serbia and gambled that the world would turn its gaze in their direction and only see the Serb retaliation and yep, it worked didn't it but it almost resulted in certainly me not being here to type this and you not being sat there reading it.
A regiment of British soldiers were ordered to occupy Pristina Airport but were beaten to it by a contingent of 200 Russian troops who had entered Kosovo ahead of them and took control of the airfield.
The British lead officer was none other than James Blunt and he was given the order over the radio by NATO commander General Wesley Clarke to 'destroy' the Russians.
Blunt refused and was backed by British General Sir Mike Jackson, who told Clarke that he was "not going to have my soldiers be responsible for starting World War 3 for you".
Blunt went on to become a singer and professional toff while Clarke was removed from his NATO position before his term was due to expire and went on to contest the 2004 US election while Slobodan Milosevic was cleared of all war crimes which was not much use to him as he died in a UN Cell years earlier.

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